The chance of dying by smoking cigarettes is 124.9%! According to the CDC, 100% of smokers and 3.5% of non-smokers die annually because of tobacco use. Since the CDC claims that more than 480,000 people die every year from smoking related diseases and a total of 2,744,248 people died in 2016 in the US, as well as it is estimated that only 14% of Americans are smokers, the chance of dying by smoking is 124.9%. In fact, what they're saying is that 17.5% of people die by smoking cigarettes, but only 14% are smokers. Even a man, Alcides Moreno, who plunged from 47 stories, had more chances to survive.
If you're surprised that the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a worldwide renowned organization, would commit such a terrible mistake, you're too naive thinking that scientists and doctors have nothing to do with social control and politics. Certainly, one should extol the advancements of modern science and technology, but we cannot give a blank check to self-styled modern priests wearing clean white labcoats eager to dictate every aspect of our lives. |
"Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato." Benito Mussolini, Il Duce.
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sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2019
Deadlier than Death
🎵 Será só imaginação? 🎵
Diálogo de um Supremo Censurador:
Sr. Supremo Meretrício:
- Ô, mãe! Eles falaram que eu sou bobo e canto mal!
A mãe:
Dias Toffoli, o Meritíssimo cachaceiro da zona do meretrício.
quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2019
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2019
Incêndio em Paris
Assim como o incêndio acidental do Museu Nacional do Brasil foi o ápice simbólico da destruição propositada da cultura de um povo, simbolicamente, as chamas da catedral francesa de Notre Dame tiveram como prelúdio a demolição sistemática de inúmeras igrejas na Europa. Yasser Arafat, terrorista premiado com o Nobel da Paz, disse certa vez que o útero da mulher árabe era sua melhor arma. O vácuo sempre é preenchido por algo.
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